Case Study: Seed Infotech

The Client:  SEED Infotech  


The Problem:

“We are stuck where we are”

 After 20 years in business, SEED Infotech had reached a well respected level of success.  Being the number four IT training company in India is a good place to be, but for SEED, it represented stagnation.  The number three company above them was so far ahead that taking that position seemed unattainable.


The Objectives:

We were hired by the CEO to get them to #3.  Three months into the project, when the board of directors suggested that in preparation for an Initial Public Offering increasing profit must to be their number one priority, we changed the objective to prioritize profitability.


The Approach:

We provided coaching for the CEO, interviewed all key leaders, and developed a training methodology for the entire leadership team in 32 offices throughout the country.  We delivered leadership and team training on-site. Together we developed new mission statements and created a HOT-TEAM program in a high-revenue department identified as having great potential to impact the corporate bottom line.  


The team identified areas where their work created an advantage over all other companies in their business, but they were doing that work without generating any revenue.  We created a plan to monetize this advantage.  


The Results:

In the last 9 months of the project, this department increased revenue by 80% with an associated expense growth of 15%, increasing profits beyond objectives and pushing the company up to the 2nd largest IT training company in India .


“Mr. Hoffman and his associates brought wisdom to our teams and our organizational culture changed as a result.  We are more productive, and turnover is reduced.  Our leaders throughout the company are better able to lead.  As a result, we are now the #2 Technology Training Coompany in the nation of India” – Narendra Baharti, CEO